


Access rights

Implies unlimited viewing of data, or minimal rights which constitute the right to find, view and print with a visible marking, not for further use (i.e. not a public document, watermark etc.).

Backup copy

Stored copy preserved in case the original is destroyed or lost.

Bodies of regional and local self-government

Bodies of regional and local self-government are administrative departments and services (administrative bodies) formed for the completion of tasks within the scope of self-government of local and regional units, as well as public administration jobs transferred to those units.

Character array

Metadata element value field expressed as a set of characters that are treated as a whole.

Classified data

Classified data is data marked by the competent body, through a prescribed procedure, as such, and for which a level of secrecy has been determined, as well as data that was given to the Republic of Croatia marked as such by another country, international organization or institution with which the Republic of Croatia cooperates. Levels of classification secrecy are: top secret, secret, confidential and restricted.

Conformity - degree

The degree of conformity with the product specification or user requirement against which the data is being evaluated. The degree is the indication of the conformance result.

Conformity - specification

The degree of conformity with the product specification or user requirement against which the data is being evaluated. The specification is the citation of the product specification or user requirement against which data is being evaluated.

Commercial use

Implies acquirement of direct or indirect profit through the use of data.

Creative Commons (CC)

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. Free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work — on conditions of your choice.

Data distribution

Placing data into use in their original form

Data exchange

Implies the process of data transfer from one location to the other between the provider and user or NSID subjects, whether through direct access or by another way of classic delivery.

End user

Physical or legal person that is not a subject of NSDI, which has acquired a right to use data that is an object of the Agreement on exchange, access and use of spatial data.

Free text

Metadata element value field expressed in one or more living languages.

Frequency of update

Frequency with which modifications are made to the resource

Geographic bounding box

The extent of the resource in the geographic space.

Internal use

Implies use only for purposes of conducting business for which the legal or physical person is registered, or the public authority body is formed.


Possibility of combining spatial data collections and interactivity of services, without a repetitive manual intervention, in order to receive a complete result and improve the added value of the data and services collections.

Keyword value

The keyword value is a commonly used word, formalised word or phrase used to describe the subject.


Data about data.

Metadata catalog

A catalog created by NSDI subjects concerning data within their legal, or by other suitable acts determined, responsibility

Metadata element

An individual metadata record according to EN ISO 19115.

Official data

Data from an official record.

Official record

Record established based on regulations or general acts or a legal entity with public authority.


History of the dataset and the lifecycle from gathering through receiving to collecting a set and extracting into its current form, in accordance with EN ISO 19101.

Originating controlled vocabulary

The name of a formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of keywords.

Personal data

All information relating to an identified physical person or physical person that can be identified. A person that can be identified is a person whose identity can be confirmed directly or indirectly, especially based on one or more characteristics specific for their physical, psychological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.

Public administration bodies

Public administration bodies are ministries, central government offices, government administrative structures and county  public administration offices.

Public disclosure

Data is considered publicly disclosed if it has been made available to the public. The public implies a larger number of people outside of the usual narrow circle of persons closely related by family or other personal relations, or outside of the headquarters of the NSID subject.


Overall features of some products that have an influence on its ability to fulfill expressed or implied needs, in accordance with EN ISO 19101.

Reference date

A reference date for the resource being described.

Resource abstract

This is a brief narrative summary of the content of the resource.

Resource locator

The resource locator defines the link(s) to the resource and/or the link to additional information about the resource.

Resource title

This a characteristic, and often unique, name by which the resource is known.

Resource type

This is the type of resource being described by the metadata.

Right to combine, overlap and connect

Allows fusing new content onto existing content on the map within the same coordinate reference system.

Spatial data

Data which is directly or indirectly linked to a certain position or geographical area.

Spatial data infrastructure

Implies metadata, spatial data collections and services, network services and technologies, joint use, access and use agreements and mechanisms for coordination and supervision, established processes and procedures, which are managed or which are made available in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive.

Spatial data services

Services that can be provided using a computer program on spatial data contained within spatial data sets or on linked metadata.

Spatial data set

Definable collection of spatial data.

Spatial data set arrays

Collection of spatial data sets that share the same product specifications.

Spatial object

Abstract depiction of an occurrence from the real world related to a certain position or geographical area.

Spatial reference system

Identifier of the reference system of the resource being described

Spatial resolution – equivalent scale

Spatial resolution refers to the level of detail of the data set, in this case the level of detail expressed as the scale denominator of a comparable hardcopy map or chart.

Spatial resolution - distance

Spatial resolution refers to the level of detail of the data set, in this case the ground sample distance.


Information source (resource) that has a direct or indirect link with a specific place or geographic area.

Temporal extent

The temporal extent defines the time period covered by the content of the resource.

Unauthorized use

Every use contrary to the provisions of the Agreement on exchange, access and use of spatial data.

Unclassified data

Unclassified data is data without a determined level of secrecy, used for official purposes, as well as data that has been submitted to the Republic of Croatian marked as such from another country, international organization or institution with which the Republic of Croatia cooperates.

Unique resource identifier

A value uniquely identifying the resource.

Unofficial data

Data created through daily business within the limits of authority for which a legal or physical person is registered, and which have not been checked or verified by the competent public authority.

Use for scientific and research needs

Implies use for scientific educational needs, exclusively as a teaching tool, or for scientific and research work which cannot be commercial or commercially funded.